questions from the mind of a han-burger, filled with deep considerations and profoundly logical queries...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

if i eat 200...

...Goldfish Baked Snack Crackers, will I turn orange? should i have stopped eating goldfish 30 minutes ago? If I go exercise for 30 minutes, will it burn off the 560 calories i have consumed by eating these goldfish? Why is it that I can keep eating goldfish without feeling bad, when everything else that I eat a lot of makes me sick? Is it a marketing device, designed to cause thousands of helpless Americans to consume vast quantities of Goldfish? Why do some Goldfish have eyes, and others don't?

I question, therefore I... question...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

more questions by han

why is today so restful? is this what saturdays are for? are saturdays for resting? why have i never rested on a saturday before? what on earth got into me this morning, and coerced me in to waking up and immediately cleaning and vacuuming my room? and why did i feel like i was resting while i was cleaning? do normal people have restful, productive saturday mornings? hmmm...

questions, questions everywhere, and not a drop to drink...


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hmmm... will anyone ever see this? will i ever actually post on here? and if i do, will it be a waste of time? will i spend too much time and energy on it? or will i just forget about it?

all of these questions and more...

from hannah